March 16, 2011

Interview with Amiina @ The Music Box blog

Interview with Amiina @ The Music Box blog
An excerpt
Much has been made of Amiina hailing from Reykjavik’s insular music scene, but how much do you really think that coming from Iceland has affected Amiina’s sound?
Solrún: The close environment has definitely has an effect on our work. There has been a really supportive music environment here that has benefited music a lot. I’m both talking about the music education system (that has been developed since mid 20th century, but sadly has been under attack lately because of drastic cuts in public funding) and the generous and friendly music community that has grown in the Reykjavík area.
Many people first discovered Amiina through Sigur Rós – do you feel that your stint with Sigur Rós as their string quartet propelled your career forward, or is it something that has overshadowed you?
Solrún: The 10 years we collaborated with them was a period of learning, especially about the music business and touring and how things work there. During that time we continued to develop a certain way of working and improvising that has definitely affected a certain part of our music making. And of course we got the opportunity to perform for loads of people at the time we supported Sigur Rós on tour.

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