April 3, 2011

Bars, Cafés & Venues downtown 101 Reykjavík (Anno 2011)

I get a lot of questions where to go out downtown 101 Reykjavík. 
Here's a list I made of the most interesting bars, cafés & live venues in the 101 area.
(*) = recommended by the Icelandic Music Maffia
1.     Amsterdam @ Hafnarstræti 5 Live music
2.     B5 @ Bankastræti 5 Live music 
3.     Babalú @ Skólavörðustígur 22a (*)
4.     Bakkus @ Tryggvagata 22 Live music (*)
5.     Balthazar @ Hafnarstræti 1-3
6.     Bar 11 @ Hverfisgata 18 Live music
7.     Boston @ Laugavegur 28b Live music (*)
8.     Celtic Cross @ Hverfisgata 26
9.     Den Danske Kro @ Ingólfsstræti 3 Live music
10.  Rock Bar Dillon @ Laugavegur 30 Live music (*)
11.  Dubliner @ Hafnarstræti 4 Live music
12.  English Pub @Austurstræti 12 Live music
13.  Esja @ Pósthússtræti 7 Live music
14.  Faktorý @ Smidjustigur 6 Live music (*)
15. Glaumbar @ Tryggvagata 20
16.  Café Haiti @ Geirsgötu 7b / Verbúð 2 Live music
17.  Hemmi & Valdi @ Laugavegur 21 Live music
18.  Hressó (Hressingarskálinn) @ Austurstræti 20 Live music 
19. Iðnó Theatre  @ Vonarstræti 3 Live Music
20.  Íslenski Barinn (Icelandic Bar) @ Pósthússtræti 9
21.  Jacobsen @ Austurstræti 9
22.  Kaffibarinn @ Bergstadastræti 1 Live music
23.  Kofi Tómasar Frænda @ Laugavegur 2 (*)
24.  NASA @ Thorvaldsenstræti 2 Live music (*)
25.  Næsti Bar @ Ingólfstræti 1A
26.  Café Óliver @ Laugavegur 20a Live music
27.  Café Paris @ Austurstræti 14
28.  Prikið @ Bankastræti 12 Live music (*)
29.  Café Rósenberg @ Klapparstígur 25 Live music (*)
30.  Sódóma Reykjavík @ Tryggvagata 22 Live music  (*)
31.  Sólon @ Bankastræti 7A (*)
32.  Thorvaldsen @ Austurstræti 8-10 Live music
33.  Tjarnarbíó Theatre @ Tjarnargata 12 Live music (*)
34.  Trú @ Laugavegur 22 Live music
35.  Vegamót @ Vegamótastígur 4 (*) Live music
36.  Venue @ Tryggvagata 22 Live music (*) 

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