April 17, 2011

Song of the 211. Week is Orphic Oxtra's "Hey"

211. Song of the Week is "Hey" by the band Orphic Oxtra.
Buy the album @ Gogoyoko

Orphic Oxtra is comprised of 13 charismatic and highly talented musicians that write and performan enticing recipe of Balkan and klezmer-influenced orchestral dance music with a multitude of twists.
These festive collaborators, all of whom are contributors to the song writing, are not musically confined to the Balkans as they also take turns challenging each other with a fireworks display of solos inspired by other cultures and types of music as well. The outcome is a rare marriage of the cerebral and the celebratory that captures mind, body and soul. No gazing of shoes here - not even a glance. Their objective is to move you and your feet!
Orphic Oxtra @ MySpace

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