May 14, 2011

Night of Poetry, Performance, Percussion & Organic Electro Punk @ Bakkus on 21. May 2011

The Meatdrum 
Night of Poetry, Performance, Percussion & Organic Electro Punk.
@ Bakkus 
21. May 2011 from 19:00 - 00:00
The hosts of the night are the music and poetry-performance ensemble Burning Brain and the Wheel of Work. When the Brain burners are not stuck, spinning in the Cycle of Labour, the Wheelers play intensive dinner jazz with ethnic folklore elements, full of bizarre beats.
The spinners under the Wheel are: Einar Melax, Snorri Páll (Baron Samedi) and Thorri Forni Loftski (Thorri Almennings). Needless to say, all of them are legendary weavers and dealers of destiny while coping with the human condition.
The Meatdrums guests are the poets Anton Helgi Jónsson, Gregor Balazt, Einar Ólafsson and Jón Örn Loðmfjörð. Art performers are the notorious Snorri Ásmundsson one of the most prominent contemporary artist in Iceland, the legendary veteran Ólafur Lárusson and the infamous Inferno 5- Performance Service will appear. We may also hear slogan chanting from the Anarchist Quire of Reykjavik.
The caretakers of sound and music will be Gjöll, Inside Bilderberg, Dean Ferrel, Gammur, Arnljótur and as previously mentioned, Burning Brain and the Wheel of Work.
Video screening by Always this Fucking Hope (Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir and Katrín Ólafsdóttir).

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