August 7, 2011

Third Album of Ruddinn "I Need a Vacation" Released

Ruddinn, aka Bertel Ólafsson, released his 3rd Album "I Need a Vacation". The record is distrubed by Record Records. Heiða Eiríksdóttir (of Hellvar) is singing with Bertel on 7 of the 11 songs, and on 2 songs solo.
Heiða wrote the lyrics for the song "Too Distant For Us". Skapti Soulviper sings on the song "Supersonic Situation". Bertel wrote 2 songs together with Jed Stephens. Elvar of Hellvar, Gunnar Sigurðsson & Jed Stephens played the bass. Recorded by Aron Arnarsson, George Kant, Jed Stephens & Óskar Páll Sveinsson. Mastered by Aron Arnarsson.
"Music Theory"
  Music theory by ruddinn 

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